Tuesday, May 6, 2008

its the little things

that make what has been a shitty start of my week go to not too bad. Nothing can make how bad I felt all day yesterday go away (seriously I HATE being a woman...seriously), and now my throat hurts, BUT...

School decided to accept 2 more of my transferred classes (there were originally only going to accept 3 classes (9credits-thats a huge kick in the balls), but today they decided to accept two more classes--hallefrickinlujah.

AND THEN I get home and another canvas has sold on my etsy site...I have sold 3 things, and have had a couple under the table offers for things from people on etsy (but I am being good and keeping it all legit). I TRULY never expected anything to sell anything-- I make stuff that I love, and actually have hanging on my walls (what better way isthere to store art??) But am also happy to see my creations go to loving homes....Sofor now, I will continue to put my art out there... even if nothing ever sells againI feel Ihave grown so much as an artist and am loving where I am going with it.

I also want to share some pictures from over the weekend...had such a good time taking the boys the aquarium.

I'm 10-and have an attitude (don't they all??)...got about 30 pictures of chris and dylan runng around the outdour stadium... this one isnt my favorite, but kinda sums up the 'tude.

*sigh* so pretty...i love coral (is it coral???) statement ammended...I love whatever it is.

*double sigh*I love whatever this is too....hehe. You're a good man hunny..

Chris took this picture, and I pretty much think it kicks major ass. Yes,there is some flash issues, but....seriously--how freakin rad is that?!?! I can remove the flash problem, turn it black and white blow it up and scare small children....

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